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Client Testimonials

“Introducing Emily into my birth journey was the best decision I made leading up to labor, and I was thankful to have her support during my [intense] first delivery. Emily’s confidence and energy in the birth room was palpable, and increased my trust and belief in my husband as my birth partner. Nothing about my labor went as planned, but I left the hospital feeling fearless, trauma-less and emotionally sound. I attribute my grace through the process to a confident, eager, and well-informed labor team. Much of that is thanks to the addition of Doula Emily in my inner circle and the safe space she helped create. I was able to navigate the changes with increased ease, given the support I felt during the whole of my lengthy labor process. I highly recommend Emily to everyone, whether you and your partner think you’ve ‘got it’ or not. Additional guidance in delivery goes a long way towards smoother postpartum bonding and healing.”

-Caroline Dartnell

"My husband and I decided to hire a doula for our little girl’s birth because of the emotional and physical support they provide through the pregnancy journey. Not only did Emily provide her expertise and support while in labor, but she was all hands-on deck prenatally and postpartum as well. Emily is a gentle human being that guided me through this crazy time and prepared me for the delivery room. She also played a key part in helping my husband find his place in the birthing room as well. She gave him all the tools he needed to be right by my side and explained to him how to be my voice in the delivery room when I couldn’t. Emily also made the delivery room a safe space with candles, cards, and stones. She has a calming and sincere presence and uses loving touch to create a positive environment in the delivery room. She taught me how to embrace my labor and pain and be present in the birthing experience. She stayed by my side after the birth for awhile and continued to communicate and check in with me in my postpartum period as well. She helped keep me in tune with myself and my needs while going through the recovery process. We even did a ceremony to welcome me into motherhood a few weeks after birth. All in all, Emily was exactly what my partner and I needed: An extra hand to hold that guided me both emotionally and physically through the pregnancy and delivery journey. Her knowledge is extensive, and you learn even more things from her that you won’t in any baby book. Emily was and still is an invaluable asset of my birthing team and I don’t know what I would have done without her! I highly encourage anyone to hire Emily to be by your side during the pregnancy and birthing journey. Thank you Emily!!"

-Arden Saunders


"Wouldn’t change anything. Everything Emily did was very helpful. As a first-time dad, I did not know what to expect. It was nice having a coach to show me what to do and when for my wife. Emily taught my wife and I labor positions beforehand and when the moment came in the delivery room, she guided us into those positions so that I could support my wife. They were moments that Emily made very special for both of us. She never replaced me in the delivery room, but instead helped to direct me to be the best support possible for my wife. I highly recommend hiring Emily to be the emotional and physical support that both partners need going into this adventure."

-Jack Morgan

"Having Emily as our doula during our birth experience was one of the best decisions we made during our prenatal journey. As first-time parents, having a couple check-ins before the "main event" helped answer important questions and put our minds at ease regarding our birth plan and the postpartum journey ahead. While in labor, Emily helped create a serene environment in our hospital room to help keep me calm and grounded. When it came down to making important last minute decisions, she helped support my little family and keep our heads on straight at the peak of stress and exhaustion. Her energy is contagious, lightening, and loving. The support she provided after we finally welcomed our son in to the world at the hospital and at home after being discharged was invaluable. We can't thank Emily enough for being part of our journey."

-Sarah Hoffman


Each birth is as unique as the person being born.

"Being a first time father felt overwhelming in the delivery room but having someone like Emily there was amazing. She was an excellent calming presence when things were getting wild. She could read the room and always seemed to know what to do to help us out and make the experience easier on us. Her positive energy was contagious and definitely helped us through that crazy night. We couldn't have been happier having her along for our birthing experience and would recommend her to anyone!"

-Leif Hoffman

"My family and I are so glad we chose to have Emily as our doula. We are second time parents and this time around we really wanted to invest in a positive birthing experience to usher our son into the world. My labor and delivery progressed incredibly quickly and upon reflection, I cannot imagine having experienced the intensity of what I did without Emily by our sides. She gifted her nurturing energy for the entirety of the birthing process, rather than having people walk in and out intermittently. We birthed at the hosptial, but Emily made our environment feel as if we were home. Our space was warm and welcoming, we shared laughs and stories between contractions and the nurses clearly felt comfortable with her presence as they all worked together to provide what felt like a holistic experience with the comforts of what a hosptial can provide if any intervention is necessary. When my labor really started to pick up pace she was there providing me with gentle touch and grounding energy, helping me guide my breath and “keep my cool” as my son arrived in a single push. In additions to assisting with my mental, spiritual and physical comfort, she provided a great deal of comfort to my fiancé in how he could best assist the birthing process.  I would highly suggest Emily’s services to anyone that is expecting. If we choose to have another child, we will certainly be asking Emily to join us again. "

-Abby Whitaker and Dylan Curtiss

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